Saturday, March 27, 2010

Games that Need to Change - PART 2

Metal Gear Solid
Don’t get me wrong I’m a diehard Metal Gear fan. I could watch Solid Snake eat a bowl of cereal for 8 hours and be happy but then again I’m a weird guy. Sadly I think if Kojima & Co. wants to sustain the popularity of the franchise it needs an overhaul to bring in some of the younger gamers. I love the cut scenes as much as any other MGS fan but to be honest they need to be refined and interwoven into the game better to keep newer gamers from walking away during a 45 minute chunk of time without gameplay. No one told Kojima that the average attention span is less than 10 minutes. I thought Uncharted 2 was a great example of how a game could develop character relationships in game while utilizing short yet cinematic cut scenes to bring it all together. Not a single cinematic in Uncharted 2 broke 6 minutes. GENIUS!

When it comes to controls Metal Gear is one of the most advanced and complicated games on the market. There are so many controls, options, items and weapons available to the player that many of them go unnoticed. Watching an experienced MGS player at work is a thing of beauty but sadly most people would never know they can utilize half of those abilities or maneuvers. Kojima & Co. needs to bring all of their great control and gameplay options to the foreground so players can more easily execute them and feel like the badass that Snake really is. 

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