Wednesday, March 17, 2010


More Control
WRITER: Mike Pullano

Let’s not kid ourselves, when it comes to games we all want more control. We want to run, jump, crouch, climb, swim and sprint all while switching weapons, shooting and doing player taunts. With games becoming ever more detailed and immersive we want to be able to control every aspect of our character.

There was a point in time when any good gamer had the finger dexterity of a concert pianist. However it seems that those days may soon be gone as more and more games seems to be taking the ‘context sensitive’ approach to controls. (Don’t get me started on Heavy Rain)

Games with button laden controls such as Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter and Madden can often be a deterrent for less experienced players, however games such as Assassin’s Creed and Gears of War allow almost any gamer to feel competent within minutes. Even though newer games may offer a more welcoming experience to new gamers I would suggest that there is a sense of gratification lost with context sensitive controls.

Some of the most intense moments in Assassin’s Creed amount to no more than a couple of easy button presses and to be honest most of my success felt automated. My hands didn’t even break a sweat. On the other hand there is no feeling more gratifying than to master the controller and connect with King’s Rolling Death Cradle or to utilize every button while taking down a platoon as Solid Snake in MGS4.

What do you think? Do you like how newer games map multiple controls to a single button or do you prefer a game that utilizes every button the controller?

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